Presentation Instructions

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Paper Submission Guidlines:

  • Simultaneous submissions (papers already submitted to other conferences/journals) are not allowed.
  • All papers must follow the conference template strictly for the submission. Violation of which leads to rejection of the paper.
  • Double Blind Review: The author's identity such as name, affiliation and email address need to be provided in Easy Chair Account. No identity information shall be included in the initial paper.
  • Plagiarism Policy: A similarity upto 10% (Turn-It-In/ iThenticate verification) will be considered for the review process.
  • Maximum number of authors per paper shall not be more than four.
  • Paper Length: upto 8 pages including figures, tables and refrences.
  • File Size limitation: 5.0 MB.
  • No page numbering on the manuscript is allowed.


All the three documents must be written in English.