Organising Committee

Role Name Designation
Symposium Patron Prof. P.H. Sawant
Prof. A.K. Sharma
Director, Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli
Principal, Jabalpur College of Engineering, Jabalpur
Convener Dr. Mrs. M.A. Shah
Dr. A. J. Umbarkar
HoD, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, WCE
HoD, Department of Information Technology, WCE
IET Pune Local Network Office Bearers Dr. Madhuri Joshi
Dr. Anil S. Hiwale
Dr. Anuradha D. Thakare
Mr. Deepak Kshirsagar
Dr. Dayaram Sonawane
Past Chairman
Member CCSA
Local Organizing Committee Dr. D B Kulkarni
Dr. B F Momin
Dr. S P Sonavane
Mr. A R Surve
Dr. R.R. Rathod
Dr. N L Gavankar
Mr. U.B. Chavan
Mrs. B.S. Shetty
Dr. P K Kharat
Mr. M K Chavan
Mr. N.B. Narnaware
Department of Information Technology, WCE
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, WCE
Department of Information Technology, WCE
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, WCE
Department of Information Technology, WCE
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, WCE
Department of Information Technology, WCE
Department of Information Technology, WCE
Department of Information Technology, WCE
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, WCE
Department of Information Technology, WCE